How mercury can affect fertility


A BBC report from 2002 was linking mercury to infertility in men and women. They analyzed the levels of mercury based on fish consumption. Fish is one of the ma

in sources of mercury intoxication, especially some type of fish, such as tuna or shark. But heavy metal contamination can happen even if you don’t eat a lot of fish. The bottom line is that those who have high levels of mercury in their bodies also have fertility problems. And as infertility is a problem that affects so many couples, looking into mercury intoxication is not far fetched at all.

How mercury affects fertility

Mercury is most attracted by fatty tissue, but it also freely travels the bloodstream, creating weird symptoms and affecting the organs.  It can also affect fertility and there may not be any straight forward symptoms. In fact, when you have a toxic metal overload, the symptoms can be deceiving. You may end up thinking you suffer from all other illnesses or disorders before you realize you have a heavy metal intoxication.

A comprehensive material by B Windham explains some interesting facts about mercury and infertility. From my own personal experience, mercury can wreak havoc when it comes to the endocrine system. I will give some interesting quotes from this material.

” Mercury has been documented by studies on animals to be extremely cytotoxic, neurotoxic, immunotoxic, genotoxic, and to be an endocrine disrupter and cause of infertility and fertility problems”.

“That mercury can affect fertility is well known since mercury has been commonly used as a spermicide in birth control products. Since mercury is an estrogenic chemical and reproductive toxin, the majority of the rest cannot reproduce.  Other estrogenic chemicals such as dioxins, PCBs, organophosphate pesticides, other pesticides, toxic metals, and some organochlorine chemicals, and Phthalates are also known to cause neurological and other developmental conditions in children”

Besides the estrogenic properties, mercury affects reproductive health in other ways too. It is also a genotoxic substance, which means that it directly affects the genes. So a foetus is directly affected by this foreign substance which can lead to birth defects or miscarriage. If the mother is mercury toxic, a large part of it will pass to the foetus, affecting its normal development.

It is extremely important to get rid of mercury toxicity before attempting to get pregnant. Unlike other foreign substances, all forms of mercury are extremely toxic. And women tend to store more mercury than men, as well as be more prone to be affected by this toxic heavy metal. There are natural ways to detoxify mercury safely. The medication route poses a lot of risk, such as pulling that mercury from fatty tissues and getting it into organs.


Image source: Flickr casadakini

Best fertility herbs for women

Fertility herbs are used worldwide by many women. In many cultures, the use of these herbs dates back thousands of years ago.  Medical treatments for infertility can have many unpleasant side effects. They can affect overall health in more ways than most women realize. This is why using natural treatments for problems that affect the female reproductive organs has become very popular. However, herbs must be used with care, as side effects can also happen.

Common hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium)

It is one of the best fertility herbs for women, but also for men. It is mostly used in Eastern Europe and is one of the most popular fertility herbs. This plant has many other health benefits, as it can also treat hypertension or menopause. But it is almost a miracle when it comes to infertility.

How does it work? Hogweed stimulates the ovaries, so it works well for women who have trouble producing viable eggs each month. This plant also increases the blood flow to the genital area. It can also regulate the menstrual cycle in cases where women experience this problem. All in all, hogweed is a very valuable aid in treating infertility. In men, it improves sperm quality and can really increase the chances to conceive.

How to take hogweed to increase fertility? Hogweed can be taken in many forms, but the best one is as a tincture. It is best to take it from the first day of the menstrual cycle until ovulation, every month for at least six months. Take one tablespoon in a glass of water three times per day.

Vitex fruit (Agnus Castus)

This is another herbal supplement that can boost fertility. The Vitex fruit can regulate the menstrual cycle and treat PCOS. It helps stimulate progesterone naturally, so it is helpful for women that have a low level of this hormone. Women that tend to miscarry in the first trimester can be low in progesterone. Thus, taking Vitex can help you conceive naturally by balancing hormones.

How to take Vitex? It is usually found in capsule form of around 500 mg. Take one capsule three times a day for six months. Some women also take it during the first trimester if they have a progesterone deficiency. However, it is best to check with your doctor, as he or she may recommend a different treatment scheme if you have had miscarriages before.

False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum)

It is an important plant in the treatment of infertility. It stimulates the ovarian function, it can prevent miscarriages, as well as uterine prolapse. The plant is very valuable for the health of the feminine reproductive system. Unfortunately, it is an endangered species because it is hard to cultivate. It grows mostly in North America in the wild, and very few have managed to cultivate it successfully.  Although it is hard to find, those women who do use it have found it can have great benefits for feminine health and fertility.

How to use False unicorn? You will probably find this plant in herbal capsules as a mix of more than one ingredient. So do follow the directions of each brand or the advice of your health practitioner.

Maca powder

This is a supplement that has become increasingly popular. Maca is native to South America where women use it from an early age to boost their health and fertility. The root of the plant is used because it contains a lot of nutritive elements. Maca boosts the sexual function and sexual appetite. So couples that have trouble with sexual arousal can use this plant. The arginine content can play an important role for male fertility especially. It is also a plant that can balance hormones in women, so it is definitely a good fertility booster for both sexes.

How to use Maca powder? It is best to find an organic brand of Maca powder that is free of contaminants. Start with one tablespoon daily or one tablet per day. A dose of two tablespoons daily is usually enough, as a higher dose may be actually detrimental for your hormonal balance.

There are also other fertility herbs that can be used successfully. If you also take different synthetic medication for fertility, it is best to avoid mixing them with herbs. Fertility herbs normally affect the hormones as well, although in a much gentler and different way than regular medication. That why it is best to avoid mixing the two in this case. However, there are other alternative treatments that can be safely mixed with other medications. Those will be discussed in a different article.